A couple weeks and a vacation ago, we played game 8 of our 2018 Ghost Archipelago Campaign - The Eritherean Graveyards. Only four out of our regular group of eight players were ale to make it with a couple last minute cancellations. With four of us, we set-up the table with two graveyards set on either side of a small ruined temple building. I was lucky enough to get first choice of starting locations. I was surprised and glad when Fortrywn set-up across the table - a chance to renew our friendly rivalry. To my left was the Heritor Molly Malone and to my left front was the villainous Heritor Herndon (whose name is still in the Book of Grudges).
Click here to read Fortrywn's Report
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A view of the game table with starting locations (courtesy of Chris) |
The Report
Skorri stepped out on the deck to observe Agger talking with several seagulls. He fed them a couple of fat minnows and off they flew. A few hours later, there was a pounding on his cabin door and in burst an excited Agger. "My pets searched out and spied on some of the Heritors in the immediate area. One of the seagulls landed on the lower spar of the aft mast where he had a bird's eye view. He watched as Fortrywn was studying some kind of map that got him pretty excited and he changed course to the southeast. Another seagull found the Heritor Griffon's ship, he was sailing in the wrong direction (Griffon was unable to attend game 8). And a third seagull landed on the mizzen mast of Molly Malone's ship which looked to be recently careened and repaired. She was tacking back and forth toward the southeast as well in some kind of odd search pattern." he reported. "Hmmm, Molly hasn't been seen in the archipelago area for some time now, she must know something," mused Skorri. "Well done Agger. As you leave, please tell Kukala to set course to the southeast."
The following morning found the Raven's Beak near a large jungle island with no other sails in sight. Hoping this was the right island, Skorri commanded the helmsman to turn into the wind. With sailing flapping, he ordered the anchors to be dropped. The heavy anchors plunged into the crystal clear waters and as the wind pushed the Raven's Beak to the leeward, the flukes dug into the sandy bottom. When the ship stopped moving, Skorri ordered the boats to be lowered.
After several hours of cutting their way through the hot and sticky jungle, harassed by mosquitoes the size of vultures, the terrain opened up a bit. Off in the misty distance, Skorri could just make out the top of a ruined temple towering above the vegetation. There appeared to be two additional ruins, one to each side of the temple.
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Part of the temple complex |
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One of the graveyards with a chest on the wall |
With his enhanced eyesight, Skorri spies a glimmer of metal in a bunch of thick brush to his front. He steels himself for a quick dash as he feels his blood begin to burn (Surge). Skorri then bursts forward. As he passes around the vegetation, he spots the source of the noise they had heard, a creature with big flapping ears and a long trunk. It was an Eritherean (placed there courtesy of Fortrywn's low initiative roll). Skorri pulls out his bow, notches an arrow, and releases it - all without missing a stride. Unfortunately he did miss his target. The Eritherean let out a loud bellow.
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An Eritherean appears near Skorri's crew |
Watching the dismal performance of the three so called archers, Agger closes his eyes and casts about psychically through the nearby jungle, reaching out to see what animals may be lurking nearby. With his mind he can sense a screamer monkey sleeping in a nearby tree. Agger mentally nudges it to wake up. The monkey chitters as it scurries through the trees to join the crew (successful cast of Summon Animal).
Blue Boy moves forward into the dense patch of jungle near the Eritherean and reaches into his pouch. He withdraws a Jade Figurine of a crocodile and dashes it on the ground. With a loud "WHOOOSH" and a large puff of smoke, a crocodile materializes between himself and the Eritherean. The crocodile rushes forward to attack. After a couple of attacks, each creature comes away with various cuts and bites (Crocodile takes 11 damage, Eritherean takes 6 damage).
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Skorri recovers a large urn |
Alaniel watches as both Fortrywn and one of his crew move towards the center of the ruined temple. He spies what they are after, the small ornate chest sitting on top of a crumbling wall. The thieving scoundrels were trying to recover the one Skorri spotted earlier. He pulls an arrow from his quiver as he observes the crew woman hopping up on the wall to retrieve the chest. He pulls back and releases. The arrow flies straight and strikes the crewman in the upper chest (8 damage). The crew woman crazily windmills her arms to keep her balance but manages to fall on her butt atop the wall.
At the same time, Blue Boy rushes in to distract the Eritherean, deftly avoiding the crocodile's wildly swinging tail. "Alaniel, we need some help" yells Amrod. Alaniel looks to his left and sees Blue Boy engaging the creature. He draws his dagger as he moves to assist. Amrod also draws his dagger and runs forward to assist. The Eritherean turns towards Amrod and swings at him with a large club. Amrod nimbly dodges and goes down on his knees as he slides under the Eritherean's club. He quickly leaps up and thrusts his dagger under the creature's trunk and into his neck. The Eritherean stood there with a surprised look on its face for a couple seconds before toppling over into the jungle brush.
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The Eritherean falls to the might of Skorri's crew...and a crocodile |
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Things get interesting...... |
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Chen Lee and Wu challenge for a small chest |
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Chen and Wu are defeated and lose the chest |
Taucher (Pearl Diver) and Hat Chet had been cautiously moving along the outside wall of the temple. As he peered through a small archway, Taucher spots Fortrywn's Hunter. She was looking the other way and appeared to be waving to someone out of Taucher's line of sight. He immediately rushed forward and thrust his spear at her midsection. The Hunter let out a scream as the spear caused a nine inch gash. As she stumbled backwards, a screamer monkey pounced down on her head. Thinking her neck was a banana, the monkey bit down hard. As the Hunter dropped to the ground, the monkey chittered and jumped up and down on her in what looked like some kind of strange victory dance. Meanwhile, Hat Chet discovers a small chest in the weeds beside one of the columns. He quickly grabs it and heads back.
Kukala watches as Fortrywn turns and tosses the chest to one of his crewmen. Fortrwyn then whirls around and strikes at Kukala with a speed you wouldn't expect from such an old man. Fortrywn's sword puts a gash in Kukala's arm (7 damage). "A little assistance please" he calls out in pain. Alaniel (Archer), Blue Boy (Crewman), and the crocodile all turn and move towards Fortrywn. Step by step they move closer (cue music from a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western). Even though there are three crew members plus the crocodile, Skorri's men respect Fortrywn's Heritor skills. Agger mumbles some words and points at the crocodile (cast Beast Strength, +1 fight). With a feeling of strength rushing through it, the crocodile burst forward at Fortrywn, its jaws snapping tight around his leg. The crocodile caused a lot of damage as it flailed about trying to bring Fortrywn down (roll plus adds = 28, -13 armor = 15 damage). The other crew members joined in thrusting and slashing at the out numbered Heritor. Kukala watches closely as Fortrywn parries and counters. Seeing his opportunity, he thrusts his two-handed sword into his side. Fortrywn falls into the mass of bone shards. The crocodile continued to ravage Fortrywn for a few more seconds until Agger directed him to chase after the rest of Fortrywn's crew. Alaniel, Blue Boy, and the crocodile move off across the temple floor. Kukala salutes Fortrywn before following the others.
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Skorri's crew takes down Heritor Fortrywn |
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Skorri's crew defeat Fortrywn's Warden |
Disappointed by Kukala's poor bowmanship, Skorri moves forward again to get a clear shot. He notches another arrow and shoots. The arrow found its mark while in mid stride and the treasure thief dropped the chest as he tumbled forward to land in the grass (rolled a 15 +5 for a total of 20). As the treasure carrying crewman fell, Skorri spied another one of Fortrywn's crew standing near the chest. Surging, he quickly drew and shot another arrow. "THWACK". It hit her dead center, sending her tumbling to the ground (rolled a 19 +5 for a total of 24 - Skorri's dice were hot, Fortrywn was not amused!). Blue Boy moved forward and claimed the chest which the rest of the crew moved forward to protect him.
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Skorri - one shot, one kill...times 2 |
Skorri turned to see what Agger was yelling about - it was a Spirit Warrior. The same creature that had decimated his warband a few weeks ago. Skorri turned, drew his sword, and moved to protect Agger. The Spirit Warrior slashed at Skorri with a powerful blow. Even though he managed to blunt the attack, the heavy sword still bit into his shoulder (causing 9 damage). Skorri fights back using every technique he has learned over the years but once again the Spirit Warrior gets past his defenses with what appeared to be a fatal blow. Kukala and Alaniel are moving to assist when they see Skorri struck down. But Heritor's are hardy individuals. As he went down on one knee, Skorri's blood burned more intensely then ever before and he managed to stand back up, staring defiantly at the Spirit Warrior (Skorri took 9 damage which would have been fatal since he only had 7 health remaining; he utilized Ironskin, reducing the damage to 5, plus 1 more for using a Heritor ability. Skorri ended with 1 health point left). Kukala and Alaniel rushed into the fight, engaging the Spirit Warrior from behind. Between the two of them they managed to banish the foul creature.
The rest of the crew was preparing to chase down Fortrywn's crew when Kukala sounded out with the recall sign. Being well trained, the crew obeyed the command and let the remainder of Fortrywn's crew escape into the misty jungle. They revived Wu and Chen Lee who only had superficial wounds. Skorri, supported by Alaniel, turned and headed towards the beach.
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The after game picture |
It was another great and exciting game - although probably more exciting for Skorri then for Fortrywn. Fortunately for Skorri, Fortrywn split his crew forcing him to fight most of the fights outnumbered (except for that one incident where I lost two crewmen in the same fight but who wants to talk about that.....).
Another run in with a Spirit Warrior was almost the doom of Skorri as he was left with only 1 health. Fortunately that was when the game actually ended as the remnants of Fortrywn's crew left the table. I embellished the story a bit at the end to provide a better narrative.
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3D printed Erithereans (from Thingaverse), Boarman is a pre-paint |
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