My gaming group completed Game 4 of our 2018 Ghost Archipelago Campaign - The Floating Hulks. We modified a solo scenario titled "The Floating Hulk" written by Joe McCullough (author of Ghost Archipelago) and published in the November 2107 issue of Wargames Illustrated. For the game we had six of our regular players, two players being unable to attend.
In order to make the scenario usable by our group, a few changes needed to be made. Fellow campaign player Chris Palmer, and myself, worked on re-configuring the scenario so it would be playable
by a group of 6 players, not just one. We decided to make it a large
"island" of derelict ships, kind of like a ship graveyard, that had
all gathered together amongst some jagged rocky outcroppings, forming one large
intertwined mass. We then multiplied the mainmasts, with the
central treasure and the nests of Talonjacks to a total of three; so there
would be one for every two of our players. We then assigned a Shark to be
just outside the starting zone of each player. We also upped the number
of total Sharks and Talonjacks that could be brought into play during the game,
and created a specialized Random Encounter Table that contained only Aquatic
creatures, and some creatures one might find on derelict ships; like Pirate
Skeletons, Swamp Zombies, and Sea Rats. Also, a special rule of the
scenario requires anyone trying to climb from one of the small boats onto one of
the ships to make a special Move Roll with a target number of 12. We
decided to include climbing from the boats onto the rocks, climbing from a ship
to a ship, or climbing from the sea onto one of the ships or rocks; figuring
everything was a rocking, tossing, slippery deathtrap. (This paragraph blatantly copied from Fortrywn's blog entry which you can read here - Ghost Archipelago Campaign '18, Game 4: The Island of Floating Hulks)
Skorri was lucky in being second in selecting his starting location. A corner position was picked to protect one of his flanks from the other Heritors. In the end, he ended up facing Fortrywn directly across from him, Kragmar to his immediate right, and Molly Malone to his right front. Further down the table were Herndon and his arch-enemy Griffin.
Looking out from the bow of his ship, Raven's Beak, Skorri Drakenberg scanned the horizon. His thoughts flashed back to the activities of the past couple weeks. After recovering from his encounter with the Heritor Griffin, Skorri had to conduct a bit of recruiting. First, he had to find a new warden willing to join his crew (His previous warden, Anemone, didn't survive the last outing) and a new pearl diver. He sent members of his crew out to inquire around the port town. In the end, there were not many wardens available for hire. Skorri settled for a young Beast Warden named Agger. While he looked like a kid, he seemed to be a skilled magic user, and well versed in all things dealing with wild animals. That might come in handy in the jungles Skorri planned on trekking through in search of the map stones to lead him to the magic fountain.
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A view of the table with the various ships entangled with each other |
Several of his crew came back with tales about a floating mass of lost ships that was recently sighted. Skorri conferred with Kukala (Hunter) who was still recovering from a bad wound. It was decided that they would sail towards the sea of lost ships before heading back into the archipelago.
Here, it is said, you will find a few rocks jutting out of the depths, eternally waiting for some unsuspecting ship to gut itself, spilling sailors and cargo into the ocean. The area attracted a large number of sharks and other denizens of the deep, anxious to feed on the poor sailors whose ships met their doom on the rocks. But not all the ships drawn into this morass were sunk. Many were merely trapped here by the whirlpool like currents which causes ships and other debris to collect in a single area and became entangled.
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A view of the dwarven ironclad |
As they approached the area known as the Sea of Lost Ships, "Sails to the port and starboard" rang out from the crow's nest. Skorri turned his looking glass left and right, scanning the distant, looking for Griffin's ship. None of them seemed to be flying personal banners or flags. That means they are most likely other Heritors, they tend to be a secretive bunch.
All of the ships looked like they had been here for quite some time. Skorri couldn't detect any movement on the decks of the stranded, derelict hulks - manned only by the ghosts of their doomed crews. He did spot several flying creatures with long, deadly looking beaks flying around the top masts of several of the ships. "Those are called Taloned Jackclaws, or Talonjacks for short. They like to grab you and drop you in the water." volunteered Agger.
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Another view of the ships |
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Skorri's crew in their boats approaching "The Floating Hulks" |
Directly across from Skorri's crew, on the other side of the mass of ships, the sounds of a fight can be heard. Mostly screams and a lot of splashing noises. Sounds like Fortrywn's crew has run into a bit of trouble. Skorri smiled at the thought.
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Skorri's crew moves forward |
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Skorri and Taucher swim towards the black hulk |
Amrod successfully jumps to a another nearby ship. As he lands, Agger casts Envenom on his bow. Blue Boy runs over to a pile of trade goods and roots around. He finds a small chest that he places in his backpack. Yen Lo attempts to jump between two ships. His foot lands on a pile of moldy kelp causing him to lose his balance. He unceremoniously lands in the water. Hat Chet fares better and makes the move to an old Dwarf ironclad with ease. As he lands, he finds himself staring down the barrels of two old, rusty cannon sticking menacingly out of a turret. He decides to start climbing up to the crow's nest on top of the turret to get a better look at the other hulks.
Meanwhile, Wu and Wat Lee have been rowing towards an old longship. They make it there and climb aboard only to find they are not the first to board. One of Kragmar's crew members is already there - and it seems he has discovered a treasure chest. Two against one, this should be easy pickings.
As the clouds continue to drop lower, further reducing visibility (14" LOS), Skorri and Taucher swim around to the black ship. They can see several members of Fortrywn's crew aboard. They both attempt to climb up the hull but Taucher cannot find a footing in the slimy algae covering the hull. Skorri almost makes it to the top before a piece of rotting timber sends him splashing back into the water. Fortrywn's warden looks down and sees Skorri in the water. Skorri hears her chuckle as she intricately waves her hands as only a spell caster can do. Skorri feels tendrils of kelp twirling around his sword. His strength is sufficient to break free of the plant but he notices the balance of the weapon had been affected (Fortrywn's warden cast Warp Weapon on his sword, -1 Fight).
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Skorri and Taucher try to climb aboard the black hulk |
Out of some hidden hole, Amras sees a mangy looking rat jump on Amrod's back. He moves forward, "Hold still, I've got it" yells Amras as he pulls his dagger and takes a swipe at the rat (The real rat, not Amrod). Luckily for Amrod his aim is good and the rat flies off into the water. Amrod says "Thanks" as he takes aim at one of Fortrywn's crew. The gentle rocking motion of the ship was just enough the throw off his aim.
Over on board the longship, Wat Lee and Wu engage Kragmar's crewman. Between the two of them, they manage to beat him back from the treasure chest. During their scuffle, the clouds have descended far enough down that they are like a fog surrounding the mass of ships (visibility is 12" LOS).
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Skorri and Taucher climb aboard the black hulk |
At the top of the mast of the ship Amrod has boarded, Agger spots another Talonjack. He casts Control Animal but once again he feels the creature resist his charms.
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A wall of brambles springs up to block Skorri and Taucher |
On the longship, the fight intensifies. Wu and Wat Lee team up to take down Kragmar's crewman. Unfortunately, Wu's attack is parried and Kragmar's crewman takes him out with a clever riposte. While Kargmar's crewman is slightly off balance, Wat Lee's thrust takes him in the side and drops him to the deck. As the opposing crewman falls, Wat Lee sees a large crab rear up out of the water, two massive claws snapping in his direction. He manages to avert the crab's attack and drives it back (caused 1 point of damage). Just as he thinks all is well, a giant shark leaps up and swallows him whole before disappearing back into the murky water (End of game Recovery roll for Wat Lee was a 2).
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Wat Lee just before he is swallow whole by a shark |
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Skorri and Taucher fight a crewman for a treasure |
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Skorri wins, Taucher grabs the treasure, the crewman falls into the water |
On the ironclad, Hat Chet found a treasure inside the crow's nest. He pulls it out and drops it to the deck of the ship. Yen Lo waves as he runs over and picks it up. He then jumps back into the crew's small boat.
Taucher says, "Its faster to swim over to the dhow " and jumps into the water. Skorri agrees and jumps in also. He lands beside Fortrywn's crewman who is floating in the flotsam. Skorri quickly checks on his condition to make sure she doesn't drown herself. Seeing that she will recover, as long as she not eaten by a shark, he climbs aboard a small seaweed covered raft. Spying one of Fortrywn's archers on a rocky outcrop, he once again Surges to shoot an arrow in his direction. Even though it was a snap shot, the arrow strikes its target in the chest. Without waiting to see the outcome, Skorri turns and follows Taucher. During this time, the large snake slowly slithers towards the archer. The archer looks from Skorri to the snake, trying to decide which to shoot. He decides on the snake and puts an arrow into its thick body. Ignoring the pinprick, the snake continues its way up the rocky outcrop in pursuit.
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Amras getting ready to claim a treasure |
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TWACK No he's not...... |
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Random creature captures my chair. I think Fortrwyn paid him to distract me |
Seeing Amras fall, Skorri's keen eyes scan the nearby ship for the perpetrator. Through the light fog, he could just make out the silhouette of Fortrywn's archer standing at the rail and reaching for another arrow. Skorri climbs aboard the ship and pulls out his bow. Grabbing an arrow from his quiver, he pulls back and lets it fly. He watches in dismay as the arrow skims off some rigging and misses its target. Uncontrollably, Skorri feels his blood boil and Surges to fire another shot. This time the arrow flew straight and true as Skorri watched the offending archer fall out of sight.
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Hat Chet just before Fortrwyn's Warden charges |
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Hat Chet trying to escape with a treasure |
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Skorri fights off a Talonjack and secures a treasure |
Well, another enjoyable and action packed game that kept me on my toes for all 9 turns. Modifying the solo scenario into a multi-player version turned out better than we thought. Plus it helped that the group happened to have a good number of ships to use as the floating graveyard.
Skorri and crew took advantage of Fortrywn's first turn misfortune of losing three crewmen to a single shark. With that and Molly Malone occupying his attention on his flank, they secured five treasures. And only loss three personnel in the process.
When I recruited a new warden, I decided to change from a Wave warden to a Beast warden to try some different (Plus I had one of the new Wiz Kids pre-paints I wanted to use). I'm hoping his spells will be a benefit to the crew.
Already looking forward to the next game.......
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A final view of the table showing Kragmar's snd Molly's crews |
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